Tag Archives: wedding bands

5 Places NOT to wear your Engagement Ring

your engagement ring
After the countdown to your nuptials begin, you will eventually hit the stage when you need to start searching for the perfect wedding bands. Your first stop? Infacet Jewellers in Cape Town – we’ve been in the diamond business for over 15 years. We’ve also developed some pretty good know-how on ring care over the years – scroll down for our top tips on keeping your engagement ring in tip-top condition and where NOT .

Choose Wedding Bands to Make Your Engagement Ring Look Bigger

your engagement ring
Your engagement ring will always be incredibly special, no matter what the size of the diamond. But let’s face it, we have all wondered what it would be like to wear Victoria Beckham’s gigantic diamonds for a day. When it comes to thinking about the kind of wedding bands you want it is apparent that there are a lot of options. With the help of the Diamond Girls at Infacet Jewellers, you can choose .