Custom Made Wedding Rings
Once your wedding is over, the only lasting memories will be your photos and the wedding rings. You will never use the flowers again, never wear the dress or suit and the expensive decorations will be long forgotten. For this reason, Brigitte and Janine take great pride to create these ever lasting memories when assisting you with your custom wedding rings.
Each ring is handcrafted to suit your personal style: either classic and timeless like our our most sought after Ace wedding bands or perhaps you prefer something more contemporary. Remember that you will be wearing the same ring for the next 20 – 40 years so make sure it is something that you can grow old with, it doesn’t date and that it suits your lifestyle ( perhaps you are very active or in a medical profession, then you definitely don’t want something too bold).
Contact us if you have any questions or if you want some helpful advice when choosing your wedding rings. We also have a sample collection at our studio so don’t hesitate to make an appointment if you would like to visit us.
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